List of unnecessary and replaceable animal experiments published
Half a million animals needlessly suffer and die in avoidable tests each year
This week we have published a list of animal experiments which all have valid humane alternatives. The RAT (Replace Animal Tests) list highlights ten cruel animal tests carried out in the EU. All the experiments could be replaced.
Under EU law, where alternatives to animal tests exist, they should be used. Ending the ten tests could save half a million animals’ lives (including rabbits, guinea-pigs, monkeys, dogs, mice, rats and fish) every year in Europe alone.
The experiments include cruel eye and skin irritation tests on rabbits. These tests could be carried out using humane alternatives like human skin or eye models instead. Tests where botox is injected into the abdomens of mice to measure the effects could be done with human cells. Tests using dogs or monkeys to see if a drug is toxic to humans could be replaced with computer models.
Dr Katy Taylor, Director of Science for Cruelty Free International, says: “Half a million animals suffer and die every year throughout Europe in tests where there are already valid and humane alternatives. According to EU law, where alternatives to animal tests exist they should be used, so these cruel animal tests shouldn’t be allowed to continue. We appeal to laboratories in the EU and beyond to stop these tests now and embrace modern more effective ways of developing new chemicals and drugs.”
Find out how you can help us save half a million animals.
Read about the ten tests on our RAT list