Ending cosmetics testing around the world
We’re changing the world
Largest global campaign
Cruelty Free International leads the largest global campaign dedicated to ending the use of animals to test cosmetics and other consumer products throughout the world. Our highly experienced and passionate team has made real progress around the globe for the countless animals suffering in cruel tests for cosmetics through our positive, innovative and often trailblazing approach.
With a million voices backing our pledge for a global ban on animal testing for cosmetics, we are creating momentum for an end to cruel cosmetics around the world.
Around the world
European Union
After a 20-year campaign lead by Cruelty Free International and our partners, in March 2013, the European Union took the landmark step of banning all cosmetics tested on animals anywhere in the world after March 11th 2013. We are now determined to repeat our success with a global ban on animal testing for cosmetics.
Israel and Norway
Undoubtedly influenced by the campaigning and action in the EU, both Israel and Norway have now officially banned animal testing for cosmetics.
Cruelty Free International welcomed news that India has banned animal testing for cosmetics, thanks in large part to our partners People For Animals and their founder Maneka Gandhi.
We launched our Brazil office and campaign for a ban on cruel animal tests for cosmetics in September 2013. After our whirlwind nine-month campaign the Chamber of Deputies passed a Bill that requires most cosmetics tests to be carried out without the use of animals. We are now working to ensure its final passage and that Brazil becomes completely cruelty fee at the earliest possible date.
In March 2015, we hosted the launch of the Korean Bill that set a concrete date to ban animal testing for most cosmetics ingredients and products in the country. We are now working with politicians and the government to help deliver the Bill and put an end to animal suffering for cosmetics in Korea.
North America
Since launching our campaign in the U.S., a federal a bill was introduced, known as The Humane Cosmetics Act. This aims to phase out the use of animal tests for cosmetics after one year, and end the sale of cosmetics tested on animals in other countries after three years. In addition the Food and Drug Administration has been pressured to provide industry guidance on the use of alternatives to animal tests.
After two years of campaigning - and establishing the China Task Force bringing together leading cosmetics companies, the cosmetics industry and regulators to press for cruelty-free cosmetics in the country - our work is paying off.
As first step, the Chinese authorities have now abolished the requirement for animal testing for most cosmetics manufactured in the country, including shampoo, make up, many skin care products and perfume. This is great news as cruelty free companies can now seek to sell these products in the country without animal testing - as long as they finish (package) their products in China.
We are working hard to achieve further progress to end animal testing for cosmetics in China.
New Zealand
After pressing the New Zealand Government for three years to ban animal testing for cosmetics, in March 2015, we welcomed the Government’s decision to ban cruel animal tests for cosmetics and ingredients.
Cruelty Free International has secured a clear Russian commitment that non-animal tests to prove safety will be accepted. Our Russian office is working for further progress which will help end cruel cosmetics tests in Russia.
South East Asia
Cruelty Free International is working to achieve our proposal that the region match the current European Union law which bans animal testing for cosmetics. Cosmetics legislation adopted by the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) mirrors EU law apart from the cosmetics testing ban. ASEAN heads of delegation are now considering updating their rules to match.
Cruelty Free International has received confirmation from the Ministry of Public Health in Thailand that it has agreed in principle to look at ending cosmetics animal testing. Thailand is now reviewing the availability of local laboratories and decision-makers to use non-animal safety testing for cosmetics.
Thanks to Cruelty Free International work in Vietnam, the government has ended the use of the cruel Draize rabbit eye test for cosmetics. This crucial breakthrough was negotiated by Cruelty Free International following a training programme we funded for Vietnamese scientists on using alternatives to animal tests.