Home > Science Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 next › last » Our review finds EU summaries of animal experiments are inadequate 21/05/2018 We reveal that UK is one of the worst offenders Why science matters 04/01/2018 2017 was another productive year for our science team Monkeys are still suffering for ineffective HIV research 01/12/2016 30 years of animal research has not found a cure Animals still being exploited in Zika virus research 18/11/2016 Pregnant mice subjected to cruel tests Cruelty is not the key to tackling diabetes epidemic 14/11/2016 Did you know that today is World Diabetes Day? End the use of animals in antibody tests 21/10/2016 Countless animals are suffering despite the availability of a reliable alternative Have a heart for animals 29/09/2016 World Heart Day 2016: the kindest cure is prevention Genetically modified rice tested in monkeys 16/09/2016 Animals abused for GM food New ‘disappearing tattoo’ tested on animals 03/08/2016 More cruel and frivolous animal experiments to satisfy human vanity Scientists unveil the world’s first ‘human-on-a-chip’ 25/07/2016 Cutting-edge advancements will help consign animal experiments to the history books Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 next › last »