Home > Science Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 next › last » This World AIDS Day marks over 30 years of cruel monkey experiments – but there is still no cure 01/12/2015 AIDS tests on animals are not only extremely cruel, they are also ineffective Royal Veterinary College breeding beagles with severe muscle-wasting disease 25/11/2015 Scientists at the Royal Veterinary College are breeding beagles with a devastating muscle-wasting disease to find a cure for the condition in humans World Diabetes Day 14/11/2015 Prevention and human studies hold the key to tackling diabetes epidemic Animals are still used in gruesome stroke research 29/10/2015 Will you stand up for animals this #WorldStrokeDay? Russia training monkeys for cruel mission to Mars 28/10/2015 Monkeys to be experimented on for two years before being sent into space More criticism of ‘poorly designed’ animal experiments 13/10/2015 Flawed animal testing sees cash spent on cancer drug that doesn’t work Crude animal tests slowing down progress for Mental Health treatments 10/10/2015 World Mental Health Day Today is World Heart Day 29/09/2015 Time to focus on prevention Hope for rabbits on International Rabbit Day 25/09/2015 As a result of our work, thousands of rabbits will be spared from horrific Draize experiments New approach needed to find cure for Alzheimer’s disease 21/09/2015 Alzheimer’s disease is not thought to occur naturally in any other animal except for humans. Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 next › last »